OPL & Straits Transit

One-stop OPL & Straits Transit services you need for safe, fast & smooth vessel turnaround

As one of the Indonesia's largest shipping agent, Transk01 Maritime Services provides full service for vessels transiting Indonesia Archipelagic Sea Lanes (ASL) passage to ensure smooth and safe transits.

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country comprising over 17,000 islands stretching over 5,000 km from the East to West and 1,700 km from North to South along the equator. The archipelago stretches between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, and bridges two continents, Asia and Australia/Oceania. This strategic position profoundly the way we operate and influences our corporate DNA. Every year, thousands of vessels of all kinds pass through Indonesia’s Archipelagic Sea Lanes (ASL) passage such as Malacca Straits, Sunda Straits, Java Sea, Makassar Straits, Lombok Straits, as well as smaller strategic rivers and waterways. Our Ships Agency and Husbandry teams are here to help and guide you either operationally by appointing us as approved local agents and managing spare parts logistics, bunkering, communications or financially as hub agent by checking local port costs and arranging a transfer of funds/cash to Master. 

24/7 Transits Call Support

Transits calls sometimes are regulatory and logistically complex and need extensive local coordination with coastal authorities, stakeholders, and suppliers.

With our vast experience, local knowledge, and networks in Indonesia, we are here for you to simplify and ensure your smooth passage through:


Archipelagic Sea Lane I (ASL - I) passes through Sunda Strait into the western Java Sea, through Selat Karimata, to the Natuna Sea before dividing towards the Singapore Strait and the South China Sea, and vice-versa.

ASL I region covers the Sunda Strait, Karimata Strait, Natuna Sea and Java Sea.


Archipelagic Sea Lane II (ASL - II), (used by deep draught vessels unable to navigate the Malacca Strait or ASL I) passes through Lombok Straits, into the eastern part of the Java Sea and northwards to Makassar Straits, terminating in the Celebes Sea.

As an international trade and shipping route, ASL II has strategic value because it connects water traffic and international trade from Africa to Southeast Asia and Japan as well as from Australia to Singapore and China and Japan, and vice versa.


Archipelagic Sea Lane III (ASL - III), particularly in the vicinity of East Timor. The three main branches to this route are: from the Indian Ocean via the Savu Sea, from the Timor Sea and the Arafura Sea. These routes converge in the Banda Sea then deviate around Buru and Sula into the Molucca Sea, before diverging into the Celebes Sea and Pacific Ocean.

This passage connects western Australia's international water and trade routes to the Philippines and Japan, and vice versa.

To: Bay of Bengal, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean (Middle East, Europe)
To: South China Sea (Hongkong, China, Taiwan)
To: South China Sea (Japan, Korea, Philippines)
To: Pacific Ocean (Japan, Korea, USA, Canada, Latin America)
To: Indian Ocean (Australia, New Zealand)
To: Indian Ocean (Australia, Africa)

Why choose us?

Trusted & Reliable. Like You.

We manage all aspects of your port call based on more than 10 years of expertise and experience locally, enabling us to foresee, mitigate and solve problems cost-effectively. Driven by passion and local knowledge, we develop and employ solutions that leverage the benefits of our local and international network to meet our customer’s needs, no matter who you are, your role, your business sectors. 

We understand the complexities of the industry and offer a service that delivers on demand, at any time. Please never hesitate to get in touch if you require further information for your incoming projects.

Let's get started!

All the additional information and resources you need to help you get started.

Ready to find out how we can make your Port Call hassle free?


Husbandry Services

Bunker Call Agency

Ships Spares in Transit

Tankers STS Lightering


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